building envelope solutionS

Did you know that siding’s primary role is to protect the building envelope from UV damage? While siding is intended to protect the assembly from bulk water, a home should be weather-proof before the siding is installed. Whether your goal is to achieve Passive House standards or simply gain more insulation, let us bring your home comfort and efficiency to new heights!

What is a Building Envelope?

That is why we offer complete building envelope solutions. A building envelope, also known as a weather and air-resistive barrier, refers to the physical barrier or membrane that separates the interior of a building from the exterior environment. It is the outer layer that protects the building from the elements, such as wind, rain, heat, and cold. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the comfort and safety of the building occupants by regulating the flow of heat, air, and moisture into and out of the building. A well-designed building envelope can help to reduce energy consumption, improve indoor air quality, and prevent water damage and structural deterioration.

What Can Jaybird Exteriors Offer You?

Jaybird Exteriors provides you with carefully designed building envelope solutions to keep your home durable and comfortable all year round.

A stunning new facade is great. But Jaybird Exteriors understands that what goes on behind the sidings is also important. As a matter of fact, the use of proper installation methods and resistant materials underneath the siding is essential to create a building envelope that is truly efficient.

Benefits of Upgrading Your Building Envelope

  • Better air and weather resistance for improved energy efficiency. 
  • Greater building durability. 
  • Improved indoor air quality. 
  • Save money on heating and cooling bills.

Why Choose Jaybird Exteriors?


Projects are executed using the best materials available and meticulous craftsmanship for stunning and durable results.


By focusing on using our time and energy on-site with efficiency, we are able to execute large-scale projects in a timely manner.


Our clients know that we have their best interests in mind. Our goal is to ensure all our projects will last 50+ years with minimal maintenance.

Choose comfort and peace of mind. Call Jaybird Exteriors for a reliable solution!

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